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Creating Custom Datasets in SDTM: A Simplified Guide

Step-by-Step Instructions for Developing Custom Domains in SDTM Data Tabulation

๐ŸŒŸ Hey, friends! ๐ŸŒŸ

I am sure that you have only heard that datasets/domains in SDTM are fixed. But that is partially true, my friend.

We can create a custom dataset/domain in SDTM data tabulation, but there are certain steps or rules that need to be followed.

Today we are going to learn how we can create a custom dataset in SDTM, so letโ€™s dive into the topic.

Identify the Need for a Custom Domain:

  • Check if an existing domain fits your data. Create a custom domain only if the data are unique and donโ€™t fit existing domains.

Follow These Guidelines:

  • Group Data: Use variables like --CAT, --SCAT to categorize data within the domain.

  • Avoid Time-Based Domains: Represent all observations in one domain (e.g., CM for non-study medication).

  • Use Existing Domains: Data collected on separate forms may fit into existing domains (e.g., QS domain).

  • Hierarchical Data: Use domain pairs (e.g., MB/MS) and describe relationships in RELREC if data have parent-child relationships.

Choose or Create a Domain Model:

1. Find a Prototype:

  • Look for a similar existing domain model or select the closest general observation class.

2. Select Variables:

  • Include required identifiers (STUDYID, DOMAIN, USUBJID, --SEQ).

  • Add topic and qualifier variables from the chosen observation class.

  • Include timing variables.

3. Domain Code:

  • Use a unique 2-character code not in the CDISC CT SDTM Domain Abbreviation codelist.

  • Avoid codes like AD, AX, AP, SQ, and SA.

Define the Custom Domain/Dataset:

  • Variable Order: Follow the order from the general observation class.

  • Variable Labels: Use title case and make labels clear.

  • Standard Variables: Ensure they align with standard domains.

  • Define-XML: Describe the dataset.

  • Supplemental Qualifier Dataset: Place any non-standard variables here.

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